Sharon Meicke

Bruce Halliday
Steve Hultay
Tracy Hultay
Sharon Meicke
Laurie Hull


My name is Sharon and i am relatively new to the paranormal community.  I was always a skeptic but felt i wanted to learn more and see for myself what was out there. My friend Tracy was always interested in the paranormal so i asked her some questions and she told me about her brother, Steve, who was heavily involved with Real Time Spirit Communication (RTSC) research. I was very interested in this type of communication so i asked to witness it in person. She took me over to Steve's where he showed me the "box". I was told to ask questions  and listen for answers in real time. I asked the silliest of questions and i received answers to them. It was just too much of a coincidence for it to be radio fragments. I couldn't believe it but i was now a believer.
A couple months later, Steve and Tracy invited me along on an investigation to Eastern State Penitentiary. It was my first real investigation. We used the box in many different locations of the prison, communicating with who we believe were prisoners that spent time in the cells and made history there. It was amazing.
After that weekend, i wanted to help out in the RTSC field of research. My first box was the RS125 which i find gives me great communication and is still what i use today. I also have the RS469 which i alternate depending on how the sessions are going.
Some sessions are more productive than others. We don't know exactly why, but it could have to do with a shift in energy levels. That is why it is never a guarantee that we will or will not have communication.
RTSC communication has helped me understand that the loved ones that i have lost are just in a different place and being able to communicate with them has helped me with my grieving and now i want to help people the way Steve and Tracy has helped me. This research has made what was once a very difficult time for me much easier to deal with.
So, our hopes for the site it to reach out to those in need and hope to be of some assistance in the future.


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